Change food change lives.


Our vision for the future with a National Food Service


No More Hunger.

Food insecurity is something we can eliminate today with resources we already have. People live with poverty because they have been pushed there, not because they need to be. 

Our answer is to create spaces for equality, to eat and share together, across societal boundaries in communal luxury. Universal access to good food and communal facilities will foster one of the biggest improvements to public health. This can only happen through the shared creation of a National Food Service, built with shared mutual respect which transverse financial lines.


No More Loneliness.

Regularly eating meals alone is proven to be the single biggest factor for unhappiness besides existing mental illness.  As the UK’s population rapidly ages, the issue of acute loneliness and social isolation is one of the biggest challenges facing our society. 

The dinner table is a place to make peace. When we sit and eat together barriers are broken down and new ideas can flow. The spaces being created are ones where anyone and everyone can eat in company.

Community dining spaces are also a solution to mitigate inequality. They provide not just food and an opportunity for conversation, but as a user-lead service, a chance to contribute and become a creative force.  If drug dependency, poor health, and poverty are the result of broken communities, then rebuilding community through social eating has the potential to drastically reduce the harm caused by these issues. Through community dining spaces we create purpose, friendship and build resilience: providing hot meals is not the output of a NFS space, it’s the input. The results of building something together are far greater and more long-lasting.


A Sustainable Future.

The National Food Service facilitates experiments in sustainable production, distribution and consumption. We must tackle the unjust system of food distribution that prioritises profit over people. Our food system must be daring and experimental in order to be equipped for our planet’s new horizons and challenges.

 Cooking and eating together is more sustainable than cooking and eating alone- cooking 20 separate meals uses far more resources and energy than one, shared meal. Therefore, The National Food Service has to form a central part of any viable green transition.

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Solidarity and Mutual Aid.

By necessity the NFS must be democratic. Each local community dining project will be run by members of that community. This means participatory budgeting and design; a deeply human-centred welfare system; and a foundation of co-operative principles.

The National Food Service tests new ideas for Community Paradigm in public service provision and public commons partnerships. We are looking for people to become local contacts and advocates, helping us connect with food justice projects in your area. To help, email us at or contact us

A City for Everybody.

The National Food Service champions a new programme of architectural interventions to help create the social geographies needed in our public spaces. Cities will no longer be framed to maximise the profits for a few big companies, they will maximise our ability to collaborate and create culture. This makes them more inclusive and liveable.  National Food Spaces contain communal cooking facilities, well-being services in addition to knowledge and education platforms.

This is not a new idea. Public dining with friends, neighbours and strangers is practiced all over the world and is a central part of many religious practices. In the UK it’s been lost due to economic trends such as consumerism and privatisation. We must return to this deeply human ancient and global practice, and it’s happening right now. 
