Change food change lives.


I’m Creating A National Food Service.


“I’m Creating A National Food Service” is a call to arms. It is a statement of intent.
Say it together and we will end food insecurity in our lifetime.


Working together

NFS connects existing food justice organisations and social eating projects. We want to share what we’ve learned and put together what works into our vision for the Food Service future. Together we can build a new public service, one that ensures we all have access to healthy, sustainable and delicious food, eaten together.

 If you are part of a social eating space, an anti-hunger organisation, or you want to start an NFS Branch please get in touch.

You can also read our guide about how to set up a social eating space here

Building momentum.

Food is a human right, and the campaign seeks to guarantee healthy, sustainable and delicious food for all. What would a National Food Service look like in your area? What food justice organisations exist near you and how could they collaborate?

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Hosting symposiums and educational events.

We want you to share stories, best practice and collaborate to develop a National Food Service in your area. We want you to be the change today as a local organizer, volunteer, activist or lobbyist by organising and recruiting people for the cause in your area.

We are collaborating with Sheffield and Bristol Transformed as well as hosting our own Symposiums. If you could host a talk, dinner, or event near you then get in touch.